Senin, 18 Maret 2013


Cholesterol can be categorized into two good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Good or HDL cholesterol is vitally important role in the body especially to aid the absorption of essential fatty acids and also produce sex hormones.However, that must be avoided or LDL is the bad cholesterol that can lead to accumulation of fat in the blood vessels which then can lead to a heart attack.Basically, cholesterol is naturally occurring in the body. However, the level of cholesterol in the body can also be increased by the intake of food for human consumption.Hence, one of the keys to controlling cholesterol levels in the body is to limit foods that are rich sources of cholesterol into the body.In addition, many foods that can help lower cholesterol levels in the body can also help. Below are foods and beverages that can lower your cholesterol levels.


Research on epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is the dominant bioactive components in tea shown to prevent the acceleration (acceleration) the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL).With regular drinking tea every day in a reasonable amount would be helpful to reduce the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis which can trigger heart disease. Good cholesterol is needed by the body, while the bad cholesterol can cause health problems for the body.How to cope with an excess of bad cholesterol in the body is to consistently consume foods and beverages on top of the proven both scientifically and empirically in lowering bad cholesterol levels. From now on, record and consume food and drink on a regular basis and consistently.

Fruit and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are foods that contain lots of vitamins and function in lowering cholesterol levels in the body. These fruits including apples, Grapes, Apricot while vegetable include Cabbage, Garlic, and Sweet Potatoes.In addition to free cholesterol, fruits and vegetables are also very rich in fiber and pectin which is a 2 element proven in lowering cholesterol levels.


Perhaps not many people know that turns nuts also contain omega 3 fatty acids that are helpful in reducing the levels of risk of heart disease.Nuts like Walnuts and Almonds may help lower cholesterol. Penn State Study shows that taking the Green Walnut impact on the levels of bad cholesterol significantly.


Consumption of garlic half to one clove a day continuously for one month reduce cholesterol by 9%. Please dosisnya observed true! If too much, not good for health. Consume more than three cloves per day can cause diarrhea, fart, sebah, and fever. Could even bring up stomach bleeding.One of the most powerful nutritional antikolesterol garlic is ajoene. These compounds can also prevent blood clotting. Even garlic is cooked, this concentration of not damaged. In 1981, researchers from the Centre for Research on Drugs Tagore Medical College, India, reported the effects of raw garlic and fried tried in 20 patients with a history of heart disease. According to the report, there is a reduction in blood clot formation tendency in their blood vessels. This is indicated by the increased activity fibrinolitik. Research also produce, nourish it a little less when onions are fried, but not too mean. So the general view of the state of garlic will lose their effect when cooked is wrong.Garlic nutrition also depends on where it is growing. Garlic is grown in selenium-rich soil with high selenium containing up benefits as anti-aging medicine will be more tasty.

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