Senin, 18 Maret 2013


Smoking can cause cancer, heart disease , stroke and increased cholesterol. When you smoke the heart will be affected directly. Fat tissue more quickly awoke around blood vessels. So the arteries can not quickly make mompa blood to the heart. Finally, blood clotting to occur, and damage blood vessels. Which in turn causes blockage, resulting in the occurrence of stroke and death.

active smoker, do not think that you have that would be a dangerous disease. People around him who breathe secondhand smoke also have a big chance of dangerous disease. Because cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide in it and tar that can be toxic in the body.
In addition, smoking during pregnancy can result in disruption to the fetus. Maternal smokers at risk of having a baby born dead baby died in utero and premature babies. Smoking during pregnancy can reduce the amount of oxygen that is available for the mother and the baby. Result is fatal, because the baby's heart rate will go up as well as risk increases premature birth and even death in infants.
Some are deadly consequences for cigarettes:
1. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals of which 200 are poisonous and 43 other types can cause cancer of the body. Some of the most dangerous substances are tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, etc..
2. Cigarette smoke is the newly dead in an ashtray containing three times as much cancer-promoting substance in the air and 50 times the material contained pengeiritasi eye and respiratory irritation. The shorter the higher cigarette toxicity ready to float into the air. A place filled with cigarette smoke pollution is more dangerous than pollution on the streets were jammed highway.
3. Someone who tried smoking usually be addictive because cigarettes are addictive is difficult released under any circumstances. A heavy smoker will choose to smoke than eat when they have limited money.
4. The high price of cigarettes would be very incriminating those who are poor, so that the health and family welfare is often diverted to buy cigarettes. Famous brand cigarettes are usually owned by foreign tobacco companies come from abroad, so the money spent smokers will flee to foreign countries that reduce foreign exchange. Cigarette factory that employs many workers will not be able to improve the lives of its employees, so if the cigarette factory closed its workers can be employed in other businesses that are more creative and bring in foreign exchange.
5. Some smokers will usually invite other people who do not smoke to smoke to feel the same pain with, which is trapped in an evil addiction cigarette smoke. Some smokers also are deliberately smoking in public places to be smoke that can be inhaled exhaled others, so that others will be affected by cancer.
6. Activities that damage the body is a sin, so that cigarettes can be categorized as an unlawful object or item that must be avoided and shunned as far as possible. Ulema or religious scholars who smoke may have a different perception in this regard.

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