Most often makes the cause of the cataract is due to increased age and the presence of related diseases affecting the eye belongs to a person who raises the symptoms of cataracts, also because of other genetic factors (heredity).According to the data obtained at most cataract eye patients found when someone enters old age, that more than 90% of those aged 65 years and above suffer from cataracts and around 55% of those aged 75-85 years of age decreased vision capability as a result of cataract symptoms . Cataracts can be treated and minimized, but currently cataract remains the major factor causing blindness in the world.Cataracts can cause patients eyes become purple or white, not black as usual. Among older people whose eyes berkatarak, her eyes grow dim or frown. The entire lens turn into colored color resembles milk.Cataracts are usually considered a disease of the elderly. But children can also suffer from cataract at birth or early childhood. Sometimes people affected by cataract caused by a wound or because of circulatory disorders.
Ways to Heal Cataract Eye Disease
Still according to the book Your Health And Mine, when children become sick with eye cataracts, vision can be restored by operating the road without going through the process of adoption eye lens. When a cataract from disturbing sight, people can no longer move freely. Then to restore his sight, eye operations should be performed on the person. Eye lens should be lifted. And the operation must be done one at a time to avoid total blindness.
Of course many people who feel anxious or afraid lifting operation should undergo eye lens. But a skilled eye surgeon now has been able to conduct operations with a successful adoption eye lens. It took about six weeks, eye cataract patients can look back with artificial lens seterang he saw with his eyes natural lens.
Prevention of cataract can be done by avoiding direct contact with the liquid eye patients, avoid dust and eye safety in the work. Hopefully health information about causes and treatments for eye disease is cataract could be useful to you. Lets protect our visual senses of possibility cataract affected eye disease!
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